Project 3
“Cartoon World” was a lot of fun to make, this was my first time experimenting with animation in this way. In the past I’ve been taught to use Photoshop for simple animations, but I completely forgot how to do it and I know it wasn’t as fun/easy to use as After Effects and Premiere. So, this feels really good to have a new tool under my belt that I definitely will use again. I’ve always wanted to learn animation because I am super passionate about graphic design and incorporating liveliness and humor into my work but never really get the chance to do so. I was super eager to play around with dark humor… It is one of my favorite kinds when done the right way. I laughed a lot while making this video and so did my roommates. I was very inspired by “Charlie the Unicorn” for this animation, and after the critique in class I wish I went further with my dark humor. I may have ended up pushing it too much if I did but I think it would have been fun to experiment with my own boundaries in presenting dark humor. Filming was my least favorite part, I did however very much enjoy the editing and sound effects, the bleep effect over swear words was my favorite. I could have also pushed myself with the mouth movements but unfortunately had a lot of other projects going on at the time, so in the future I’d love to put more focus and effort into an animation like this.