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Brainstorm Blog #4 Webventure

I am really excited to make this project. I've done a similar project in a web coding class but felt much more limited in what I could do… since it was all coded. Making a gif is something I really want to learn how to do and using a website to format/link the pages will just make life a lot easier. I think I am going to do something along the lines of a person waking up on an alien planet and getting choices of what to do and where to go, what to say, etc. I want to make it a light and funny vibe, maybe try to incorporate some dark humor. I want the main character to wake up from being abducted or something, maybe they fell out of the UFO during transport. I think that could be fun for when the main character runs into alien civilians, he can kind of be a “missing person” that they are looking for and people could try to be coming after him.

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