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Brainstorm Blog #2

For this sound project, I want to make an auditory experience that gives a stressful experience of sounds throughout the day. I’m not sure if the sounds will match up, but I think it would be fun to hear the noises of a workday and experience the little things in a fast-paced environment through sound. For example, maybe waking up, getting dressed, pouring a coffee then driving to work, eating, etc. I think it would be fun to emphasize the mundaneness of these simple tasks while hearing them all put together in a different way. They wouldn’t sound so mundane after editing and compiling so it could be almost like putting a twist on an average workday and giving it some weirdness. Maybe it’s so edited that it’s unidentifiable even though they are sound we are extremely used to, but I’m not sure if that defeats the purpose then if you

can’t even tell what you’re hearing.

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